
Fourth Edition of the” Giornate di Studio Pietro Pedeferri”, presentations are now available – Milan, November 29, 2024

On November 29, 2024 PoliLaPP organized the fourth edition of the “Giornate di Studio Pietro Pedeferri”, which hosted a large delegation of academic and industrial researchers working in the field of anodic oxidation of light alloys.

The workshop presentations are available to all participants at the following link:

Below the link to download the pictures of the day!

Fourth Edition of the” Giornate di Studio Pietro Pedeferri”, registration is now open!

The fourth edition of the “Giornate di Studio Pietro Pedeferri”, organized by PoliLaPP, will take place on November 29, 2024. This edition is dedicated to Anodic oxidation: enabling technology for metal surface design. The workshop will include several presentations on the anodizing of light alloys, proposed by both academics and industrial partners. Click here to view the final program.

Participation is free, registration is mandatory. If interested, please register at this link.

Storie di corrosione (e altre cose). In memoria di Pietro

Tales of Corrosion (and other things). In memory of Pietro Pedeferri (1938-2008)

Fifteen years ago, on December 3rd, Pietro Pedeferri, a mentor to many of us and a crucial figure in the field of science and engineering of corrosion at international level, left us. We wish to pay tribute to his memory by sharing some of his popular science publications, compiled in the volume “Tales of Corrosion (and other things),” available for full download on the PoliLaPP website, both in the Italian and the English version.

This volume is a collection of some of the publications, the Tales of Corrosion, written by Pietro Pedeferri over the course of his life. In these readings, corrosion is the common thread that connects his work as a scientist and engineer to that of a teacher and artist. The readings narrate episodes from his life, experiences related to his profession as a university professor and an expert in the durability of metallic materials, and his life as a titanium artist.

Third Edition of the workshop “Giornate di Studio Pietro Pedeferri”, presentations are now available – Milan, December 2 2022

On December 2, 2022 PoliLaPP organized the third edition of the workshop “Giornate di Studio Pietro Pedeferri”, whose topic was: Stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement. The workshop saw the wide participation of both universities and companies operating in the field.

The workshop presentations are available for all participants at the following link:

Webinar “Inspection and controls of reinforced concrete structures” – September 30 and October 1 2021

On September 30 and October 1, 2021 PoliLaPP and mCD, in collaboration with ATE (Associazione Tecnologi per l’Edilizia) and under the patronage of CNI – Consiglio Nazionale Ingegneri, organize a webinar on inspections and controls to guarantee the nominal service life of reinforced concrete structures. Main aim of the event is to provide professionals with useful indications on how to inspect a reinforced concrete structure, with particular attention to issues related to rebars corrosion. The event program and instructions to register are available here.

Second Edition of the workshop “Giornate di studio Pietro Pedeferri”, presentations are now available – Milan, November 27 2020

PoliLaPP and MCD organized the second edition of Pietro Pedeferri’s workshops, whose topic was: Durability of reinforced concrete structures. The workshop presentations are now available for attendees at the following link.

Stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement in Oil and Gas – Milan, June 26 2020

AIM and Nace Italy organize the workshop Stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement in Oil and Gas. The workshop will take place in Milan, on the day June 26, 2020. For more information please check the leaflet.

Our Dean Ferruccio Resta visiting PoliLaPP

Professor Resta, Dean of Politecnico di Milano, visited the laboratories of PoliLaPP. The visit has been documented and reported on the University website – read here – and on facebook – see here.

In memory of Bruno Mazza – Milan, October 25 2019

The Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” organizes a one-day session in memory of Bruno Mazza on October 25, 2019, 9 am – 5 pm. For further information take a look at the event flyer.

Graduate School “Luca Bertolini” – Milan, September 9-13 2019

CINCOMINET, in collaboration with AIMAT and INSTM, organizes the School “Scuola di perfezionamento e specializzazione “Luca Bertolini”, dedicated to durability, corrosion, diagnostic and repair techniques in reinforced concrete structures. The School will take place in Milan from September 9 to 13. Here you can find the School program.

The article on structural failure and corrosion of rebars in prestressed concrete by Pietro Pedeferri has now been re-published on Structural – Nov-Dec 2018 number

The article, written by prof. Pietro Pedeferri and titled “Reinforced and prestressed concrete. Structural failures and rebars corrosion”, originally appeared in 2003 on the Journal “L’Edilizia” (N. 129, august 2003, pp 50-59). It has now been re-published on the Journal “Structural”, 10 years after the disappearance of prof. Pedeferri. You can find the article at the following link: Structural – Nov-Dec 2018.

Workshop “Pietro Pedeferri” and dedicated number of Structural – Milan, November 20 2018

On November 30, 2018 Politecnico di Milano hosted the first edition of the Workshop “Giornate di Studio Pietro Pedeferri”, organized by PoliLaPP, entitled: “From research to industry: the new frontiers of corrosion science and engineering”. The workshop, in memory of Pietro Pedeferri (1938-2008), aims at presenting the most recent researches and applications of corrosion science and engineering. The workshop finds its collocation in the corrosion school that had Pietro Pedeferri as founding father.
Presentations are now available for download: please follow this link to download the archive.
The November-December number of the Journal “Structural” is dedicated to the workshop. You can find it at the following link: Structural – Nov-Dec 2018.

Giornate Nazionali di Corrosione e Protezione dei Materiali: Milan, June 28-30, 2017

PoliLaPP, in collaboration with AIM, Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, organized the XII edition of the national conference “Corrosione e Protezione dei Materiali”, dedicated to materials corrosion and protection. The venue was Politecnico di Milano.

This edition of Giornate Nazionali di Corrosione e Protezione, coordinated by Fabio Bolzoni, Marco Ormellese and MariaPia Pedeferri, was a success, with more than 200 attendees for the first time in the history of this conference. More than 100 oral presentations were held by researchers coming from Italian universities as well as from the industrial world, divided in 12 technical-scientific sessions. The session dedicated to the corrosion and protection of reinforced concrete was dedicated to the memory of our colleague prof. Luca Bertolini, prematurely passed away.

During the conference prof. Luciano Lazzari was awarded with the titanium medal, created by AIM in 2002, and in this particular frame entitled in memory of prof. Pietro Pedeferri.

A selection of memories was then published on the Journal “La Metallurgia Italiana”, which dedicated the July number to corrosion.

Our Corrosion Museum is now open

The Corrosion Museum entitled to Pietro Pedeferri has opened in its brand new appearance!
Still located in the PoliLaPP offices, the Musem has been fully renovated, cases catalogued and some of them summarized in a Book of Case Histories.

Conference: Pietro Pedeferri e la scuola di corrosione e protezione dei materiali al Politecnico di Milano – Milan, September 26-27 2013

The conference, in memory of Pietro Pedeferri and dedicated to the School of corrosion of Politecnico di Milano, was held in occasion of the 150th anniversary of Politecnico. In the frame of this conference, an exhibition of Pietro Pedeferri’s titanium works was organized.

Mostra di opere su titanio al Convegno Pedeferri, 26 settembre 2013. Photo: ©/SimonPalfrader
La Repubblica, 26/09/2013: Pedeferri, tutte le sfumature del titanio

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