“The field of corrosion is in many ways comparable to that of medicine. […]. To this end, (the corrosion expert) must create his own anatomical pathology atlas of the materials exposed to the most varied corrosive atmospheres, build up the corpus of his diagnostics, and develop an ever-more effective anti-corrosion pharmacology”
From: Elementi di Teoria della Corrosione a Umido dei Materiali Metallici, R. Piontelli
PoliLaPP is currently involved in the study of the corrosion behaviour of metals in atmosphere.
The research activity has two main goals:
- the design and the implementation of an informatic tool that allows specialists, such as engineers and architects, to evaluate the corrosion attack of a selected metal (carbon steel, galvanized steel, weathering steel, stainless steel, aluminium) exposed to a specific corrosivity category class (urban, industrial, marine and rural environment). This tool can also help the operators without a robust corrosion background during the material and corrosion prevention methods selection phases, avoiding technical and design failure
- the evaluation of corrosion behaviour of metal specimens exposed in urban and marine atmosphere by means of a long-term experimental campaign in accordance with ISO and ASTM standards. The aim of the test is the validation/updating of algorithms (dose-response function) for the calculation of corrosion rate of metals in atmosphere and the development of a corrosion monitoring sensor for field application
The PoliLaPP exposure site is included in the “Exposure Site Catalogue of Atmospheric Corrosion” promoted at European level by the Working Party 25 “Atmospheric Corrosion” of the EFC – European Federation of Corrosion (visit the website).